The combat muscle training program builds fighting muscle

Many people like to see fighting, think that this action is very exciting, when you see fighting, you will also have some ideas, want to know how the training of fighting is, how the muscles of the above practitioners are cultivated. So today we are going to introduce a fighting muscle training program, let’s go and have a look!

This training program includes muscle strength training and basic combat movements (sanda). Generally six months to a year of basic training is suitable. You can add it as a supplement or reinforcement to your existing training program, or you can do it on your own. This training program is structured as a two-day training cycle, so you can either break the week into 3 cycles (Sunday off) or do 2 sessions a week (with a rest day between day 1 and day 2). But some subjects are done every day.

I. Training content:

  1. On the first day, insist on 100 (the number shall not be less than 100 times, and those who have the ability to control themselves). All subjects also need to follow this requirement) fist press (prostrate, with fists).(chest + triceps + deltoid anterior bundle)

On day 2 perform 100 pull-ups (upper back + biceps + middle and posterior deltoid fasciculi)

  1. On day 1, insist on doing 100 sit-ups (rectus abdominis)

On day 2, perform 100 (lower back/waist) tummy lifts

  1. On the first day, insist on doing 100 squats (thigh quadriceps)

Day 2 100 upright foot curls (thigh biceps)

  1. Every day insist on the straight, swing, hook method of practice 100 and forward kick, sweep kick/whip, side kick of the air strike practice 100. It’s important! You need a basic person to help you correct the movement and master the technique.

It is usually enough for beginners to master the combination of fists and legs, and they can practice the offensive skills of elbow and knee if they are interested

  1. Instructions for Use:
    1, be sure to warm up before training, flexibility stretching! It’s the key to the state! Whether it’s physical or mental. Even Bruce Lee took preparation seriously.

2, order: After the warm-up, do the fourth air strike training first, and then do strength training.

Ligament stretches before and after each training session include: neck, shoulder, trapezius, elbow, wrist, knuckles, chest, back, waist, hip, straddle, quadriceps (front of thigh), biceps femoris (back of thigh), knee, gastrocnemius (back of calf), ankle, etc. You can see the effect in 1 month, build a foundation in 3 months, improve in half a year, and break through in a year.