Gym muscle training program weekly table

How a man’s muscles should be trained, there are many training methods, and in the process of training, some men will develop training plans, and the development of training plans is beneficial, such as can make the training effect more effective. So, what’s the weekly muscle training schedule at the gym? Let’s take a look at the gym muscle training program below!

Flat barbell bench press
Monday: Chest training + jump rope for 20 minutes
Bench press 4 sets x20, bench press 4 sets x20, bench press 4 sets x20, plate dumbbell bird 4 sets x20, butterfly chest clamp 4 sets x20, instrument bird 4 sets X20

Tuesday: Back training + treadmill variable speed run for 20 minutes
High pull down 5 sets x20, low barbell row 5 sets x20, single arm dumbbell row 4 sets x20, straight arm push down 3 sets x20, goat lift 3 sets x20

Wednesday: Shoulder training + Spinning for fat loss
Barbell neck forward push 4 sets x20, single-arm dumbbell side flat lift 3 sets x20, bending bird 4 sets x20, single-arm dumbbell front lift 3 sets x20, inclined plate bending dumbbell back lift 5 sets x20

Thursday: Arm training + elliptical machine 20 minutes
4 sets of alternating dumbbell bends x20, 4 sets of concentrated bends x20, 3 sets of inclined plate bends x20, 4 sets of narrow bench press x20, 4 sets of backhand neck back arm flexion x20, 3 sets of pull-down single arm pull-down x20

Friday: Leg training + rowing machine cardio
4 sets of free squat x20, 3 sets of 45 degree reverse push x20, 5 sets of apparatus double bend x20, 2 sets of leapfrog x35, 4 sets of unilateral bell lift x100 x2, 2 sets of sitting leg flexion x20

Saturday: Waist core + pedal exercise
4 sets of flat barbell bench press x20, 2 sets of high pull-down x20, 3 sets of horizontal row with sitting instrument x20, 2 sets of belly roll x full effort, 2 sets of waist turn x40, 2 sets of side roll abdomen (full effort), 3 sets of lateral bending of bell lift body x20

Sunday: Closed