Chest muscle training program one week

How to train the chest muscles, of course, there are many training methods, and when training the chest muscles, some people will develop some training plans, but the development of training plans are also exquisite, such as appropriate training plans. So, what’s the chest muscle training week plan? Let’s take a look at the chest training program.

High push ups
Monday: High push ups
Stand facing the table, step back with your legs on the toes, support your hands on the table, slightly wider than your shoulders, pay attention to keeping your head up and chest out, press your shoulders down with your arms, as close to the table as possible, and then restore them upward, 12 times per group.

Tuesday: dumbbell breast push
The upper body lies on the sofa, both hands hold dumbbells on both sides of the body, the big and forearms are 90 degrees, the hands lift the dumbbells up to the elbow slightly bent, and then slowly lower the side of the body to restore, each group of movements do 12 times.

Wednesday: Stretch cord chest extension
Sit on the sofa, keep your head up and chest out, hold both ends of the elastic rope with both hands, pull the elastic rope with maximum strength, keep the waist and back straight, and then slowly withdraw, do 12 times per set of actions.

Friday: Dumbbell Bird
Lie on your back, knees bent, hands holding dumbbells up, so that the arms perpendicular to the ground, and then hands to both sides 180 degrees open, and then slowly recover, each set of movements do 12 times.

Saturday: Lie on your back with curved chest
Bend your knees, hold dumbbells up with both hands, then press your arms down, draw circles outside the ear side to the thigh, and then raise your arms to be perpendicular to the ground, focus on the chest, keep the abdomen in, and complete quickly, 12 times per group.