Core Muscle training programs build a strong core

Core muscles are the guarantee that we move when we go about our lives, so it is very important that our core muscles are strong. The hot plank support in recent years is to train the core, indicating the importance of core muscle exercise. Core muscle exercise is not a day or practice one movement can be completed, so today we will introduce some core muscle training plan, everyone go to see!

Training action one: spider crawling plank
Position yourself in a plank position, keeping your lower back in a straight line. Move the right knee forward to the waist and return to the original position, switch to the other side, repeat to complete a complete movement 30 times, a total of 4 sets.

Training movement two: four-point kneeling position support
Position your body in a four-legged neutral position and tighten your abdominal muscles. Slowly raise your right hand and left leg until they are parallel to the floor and your body is in a straight line. Replace the right hand with the left leg and repeat, 6 times on each side, for 4 sets.

Training movement three: push-ups
In a plank position, inhale to tighten your abdominal muscles, tighten your hips and legs, and form a straight line. Elbow flexion, body close to the ground, elbow joint not too far away from the body. Exhale, extend your arms slowly, and repeat the complete movement 10 to 15 times for 4 sets.

Training movement four: kneeling back
Get down on your knees, straighten your back, tighten your abdomen, and pull in your belly button. Lean back until your thighs feel a tug. Lean back as far as you can. When you reach the maximum, contract your hips and slowly bring your body back to the starting position. Repeat the entire motion five times.

Training movement five: horizontal cross small steps
Lie on your back with knees bent and toes pointed. Lift your right knee joint toward your chest and slowly return to the starting position while tightening your abdominal muscles. Repeat on the other side of the lower limb, 6 to 8 times on each side, repeat 4 sets.