The upper body muscle training program builds muscular shape

The upper body is the most intuitive part of our body after exercise, once you exercise the effect, then your upper body line sense will be very good. For the exercise of the upper limb muscles, many people can not find the direction of training, then we will introduce a training plan for the upper limb muscles, let’s go to see it!

Do 1 set of jumping jacks for 30 seconds each

Do 1 set of extrapolation and 20 times for each group

Do 1 set of balls and 15 reps each

Do 3 sets of alternate kettlebell shoulder presses 16 reps each

Do 3 sets of pull-ups 8 reps each

Jumping jack

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the side. Weight on the ball of the foot.
  2. Jump with your legs to the sides and open your hands above your head.
  3. Jump with your feet and lower your arms to your side. Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.

Back lunge extrapolation

  1. Hold a medicine ball in front of your chest with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pull your left leg back, toes on the ground.
  2. Bend your left knee to the ground and stop before your knee touches the ground. At the same time, push the ball outward in front of your chest without leaning your upper body forward.
  3. Bring the medicine ball back to the chest and step forward with your left leg to the starting position. Switch to the other side and complete the same exercise with your right leg.


  1. Feet shoulder-width apart and hold a medicine ball with both hands. Hold the medicine ball above your head.
  2. Drop the medicine ball from above your head onto the mat between your feet. (Do not release the medicine ball at any time)
  3. Lift the medicine ball back above your head.

Alternate kettlebell shoulder press
1, feet shoulder-width apart, a pair of kettlebells held at your sides. Knees slightly bent.

  1. Raise the kettlebell with your palms behind you. Rotate your left arm upward to lift the kettlebell above your head and behind your arm.

3, palm back, slowly lower the kettlebell to the starting position. Alternate arms training.


  1. Hold the pull-up bar with palms behind you and hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Engage your core muscles to prevent your body from swinging and lift your legs off the floor. Crossing your legs helps with stability.
  3. Pull your body up so that your chest rises to the horizontal bar.
  4. Slowly lower the body to the position where the elbow joint is about to lock.