Dumbbell full body muscle training program

In all fitness programs, there are those that use free hands and those that use machines. Muscle exercise is not overnight, but a long-term process, in all the equipment fitness, dumbbell is a more common one, so today we will introduce a dumbbell body muscle training plan, everyone go to see it!

A dumbbell shrug
Four sets, 15-20 reps
Before you do this, make sure your back is straight, your core is tight, and your shoulders are open back. The main purpose of this exercise is to exercise the trapezius muscle, so remember to tighten the trapezius muscle at the top of the movement, and then have a controlled release after the peak contraction of 1 or 2 seconds. The specific approach is not to say, mainly the process of exercise: the first 10 times to do as slowly as possible, the peak contraction of 2 seconds, and try negative work training for 2 seconds when lowering; After 5-10 repetitions, the sooner the better.

Lean over the dumbbell row
4 sets, 8-12 reps
Do this with your torso as low as possible and your knees bent, then pull the dumbbell towards your chest height. Don’t move too fast. Take a second or two to pull it to the top and press your shoulder blades together at the top for a second. Knock on the blackboard! Here comes the point! Go as slowly as possible and try to limit it to two to four seconds, and keep your back straight and your chest straight.

One leg hard pull
4 sets of 20 reps
In a standing position, hold a dumbbell in your hand, with one leg straight on the same side, slowly lift the other leg off the floor (also as straight as possible), and slowly lean until the dumbbell touches the ankle or the floor (how far down depends on the flexibility of your hips and hamstrings).

Squat jump with weight
4 sets of 30 seconds each
Hold the dumbbells in your hands, almost at chest level. Then squat down until your thighs are parallel to or below the water level, and then jump up with explosive power. Your dumbbells should remain in the same position at all times. When you jump, land on your toes first. If you make a loud sound after you jump, feel it again.

P.S. Don’t use too much weight, you need to jump for 30s… Even the lightest weight is enough to set your quads on fire.